Case Study


Optimization of Advertising Costs and Generation of Higher Quality Leads

Challenge and Solution

Enhancing Digital Spend Efficiency Through Segmentation and Continuous Optimization

Twilio, a global leader in business communications, faced the challenge of reducing advertising costs and improving the quality of leads generated for their sales team. The goal was to efficiently reach specialized B2B technology buyers in the corporate sector across South America.

To tackle this challenge, we designed a comprehensive strategy that incorporates various digital marketing techniques. Multifaceted advertising campaigns were implemented, leveraging experimentation and continuous optimization to identify the most effective tactics.

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¿Quién es Twilio?

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El reto...

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Methodology and Tools

Key Strategies for Ad Spend Optimization

A/B Testing
We experimented with different formats, creative ideas, copy, products, verticals, and offers. This allowed us to identify which elements resonated best with the target audience.
Content Translation and Creation
We translated and adapted content into Spanish and Portuguese, ensuring effective communication with target markets in Latin America and Brazil. Native copywriters crafted the texts to guarantee cultural authenticity and relevance.
Advanced Audience Segmentation
We employed sophisticated segmentation techniques, including retargeting flows and identifying audiences with the highest conversion potential.
Search Campaign Optimization
We refined low-value keywords in search campaigns to focus efforts and resources on more effective and profitable terms.

How did we achieve this?


Mission Crew.

The achievements in this project are due to the synergy of a multidisciplinary team, whose diverse perspectives and skills are crucial in addressing various challenges. Since 2021, this specialized team has been the key to our mission's success.


Creates attractive and effective visuals for campaigns.

Creative Copywriter

Crafts and translates persuasive and culturally relevant texts.

Account Director

Manages new requests and ensures service quality.

Project Account Manager

Oversees project planning and execution, ensuring deadlines and objectives are met.

Audiovisual Team

Brings the brand concept to life to optimize digital strategy results.

Sound Engineer


Mission Crew

Sound Engineer



Reducir gastos y mejorar la calidad es posible.

The meticulous and adaptable approach led to a significant reduction in the cost of lead acquisition. Over two years, we managed to decrease this cost by 75%, resulting in an annual saving of 2.5 million USD for Twilio. This achievement not only optimized advertising spend but also improved the quality of leads generated, providing the sales team with more valuable prospects with a higher probability of conversion.

Our Signature.

Despite the impressive results, we identified a key opportunity: optimizing landing pages. Although we have worked hard with those provided by the client, we recognize that having the freedom to design our pages could have yielded even more impactful results. We are excited to explore this area further and enhance the user experience, thereby elevating the effectiveness of each campaign.


Want to know more?

Nicolas Calderon
Account Director

Nicolás Calderón

Twilio crew
Let’s talk!
Miguel Betancourt
Account Manager

Miguel Betancourt

Twilio crew
Let’s talk!

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